: Energy Services Friday, January 17, 2025 4:21 AM Till Date. |
| Details |
S.No | Department | Service | Launch Date | View & Apply | Audio |
1 | Energy | Urban Low pressure connection application form | 11/02/2018 | | |
2 | Energy | Rural Low pressure connection application form | 11/02/2018 | | |
3 | Energy | Low pressure connection (For Agriculture) application form | 11/02/2018 | | |
4 | Energy | Low pressure connection( For Industries) application form | 11/02/2018 | | |
5 | Energy | After the deposit of amount as per demand letter providing a new low pressure connections from the existing network | 11/02/2018 | | |
6 | Energy | Providing Demand letter to provide temporary power connection | 11/02/2018 | | |
7 | Energy | Demand- sheets to provide temporary power connection | 11/02/2018 | | |
8 | Energy | Issue of Demand letter for increase in load by consumer where current infrstructure is not expanded | 11/02/2018 | | |
9 | Energy | Increase in load where currently there is no need for expansion in infrastructure after consumer provide supplementary contracts and demand letter | 11/02/2018 | | |
10 | Energy | Application for change of meter | 11/02/2018 | | |
11 | Energy | Disposed of the application for permanent discontinuation | 11/02/2018 | | |
12 | Energy | 1.8 Changes in category of disorganized connections at present. | 11/02/2018 | | |
13 | Energy | 1.9 Providing an approval letter of permanent new connection of high pressure. | 11/02/2018 | | |
14 | Energy | 1.10 Providing an acceptance letter to the current of high pressure in the weight of unconvinced connection. | 11/02/2018 | | |
15 | Energy | 1.11(A) Acceptance of change in the details of currently disorganized low tension connections. | 11/02/2018 | | |
16 | Energy | 1.11(B) Acceptance of change in the details of currently disorganized high tension connections. | 11/02/2018 | | |
17 | Energy | 1.12 Providing theoretical acceptance of the combination of grid to the power producers of solar and wind power. | 11/02/2018 | | |
18 | Energy | 1.16(A) Issuance of demand letter for shifting only in the meter / service line or meter premises. | 11/02/2018 | | |
19 | Energy | 1.16(B) Shifting the meter/service line or meter with in the premises, only after depositing the amount according to the demand letter | 11/02/2018 | | |
20 | Energy | 1.17 Resolution of the disputed electricity bill (except for the cases of electricity theft). | 11/02/2018 | | |
21 | Energy | 1.18 Re-combining dissected connection after payment of outstanding amount. | 11/02/2018 | | |
Source: https://mpedistrict.gov.in Friday, January 17, 2025 4:21 AM Disclaimer: “The applications for all the services provides through the portal and kiosk (Government Established) are submitted in an online manner and no physical visit of the applicant is required to the respective department for the application submission”. |