लोक सेवा प्रबंधन, मध्य प्रदेश (तत्काल सेवाओं के यूजर के लिये प्रत्येक कार्यदिवस हेतु रोस्टर)

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District  *  Lok Seva Kendra * 
DISTRICT : Shahdol,    LOK SEVA KENDRA : लोक सेवा केंद्र Gohparu
Status as on 19 Feb 2025 04:43:43:597
Sno.DayOfficer TypeOfficer's User IDOfficer's NameOfficer's DesignationOfficer's Department
1MondayDesignated OfficerforrengohK P Prajapatiपरिक्षेत्राधिकारी वनForest
2MondayLink OfficerPOwcd_GohaSatwanth Huraबाल विकास परियोजना अधिकारीWomen and Child Development
3TuesdayDesignated OfficerTahsilgohLaxman PatelतहसीलदारRevenue
4TuesdayLink OfficerceogohVedmani Mishraमुख्य कार्यपालन अधिकारी, जनपद पंचायतPanchayat and Rural Development
5WednesdayDesignated OfficerceogohVedmani Mishraमुख्य कार्यपालन अधिकारी, जनपद पंचायतPanchayat and Rural Development
6WednesdayLink OfficerPOwcd_GohaSatwanth Huraबाल विकास परियोजना अधिकारीWomen and Child Development
7ThursdayDesignated OfficerPOwcd_GohaSatwanth Huraबाल विकास परियोजना अधिकारीWomen and Child Development
8ThursdayLink OfficergohbrcVijay Pratap Singhविकासखंड श्रोत समन्वयकSchool Education
9FridayDesignated OfficergopbeoPawan Kumar Jatavविकासखंड शिक्षा अधिकारीSchool Education
10FridayLink OfficerceogohSanjeev Tiwariमुख्य कार्यपालन अधिकारी, जनपद पंचायतPanchayat and Rural Development
11SaturdayDesignated OfficerTahsilgohB R NetamतहसीलदारRevenue
12SaturdayLink OfficergopbeoLalit Kumar Pandeyविकासखंड शिक्षा अधिकारीSchool Education
13All DaysReserve OfficeragrisdobudS B Singhवरिष्ठ कृषि विकास अधिकारीAgriculture